El Paso Biggs Army Airport

Country:United States of America
City:El Paso, TX

El Paso Biggs Army is one of the airports in United States of America and is located El Paso, TX.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1Ekuk, AKUnited States of AmericaEkukKKU
2Ekwok, AKUnited States of AmericaEkwokKEKKEK
3Imperial/El Centro, CAUnited States of AmericaEl Centro Naval Air FacilityNJKKNJK - FAA: NJK
4Elfin Cove, AKUnited States of AmericaElfin Cove Sea Plane BaseELVPAEL
5Elim, AKUnited States of AmericaElimELIPFEL
6Ely, NVUnited States of AmericaEly YellandELYKELY

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