Xuzhou Guanyin International Airport

Xuzhou Guanyin International is one of the airports in China and is located in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China, over 45 kilometres (28 mi) from the downtown area in the southeast outskirts of the city.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1XiningChinaXining CaojiabaoXNNZLXN
2Xinyuan CityChinaXinyuan NalatiNLTZWNL
3XinzhouChinaXinzhou WutaishanWUTZBXZ
4Yan'anChinaYan’an ErshilipuENYZLYA
5YanchengChinaYancheng Nanyang InternationalYNZZSYN
6YangzhouChinaYangzhou TaizhouYTYZSYA

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