Tres Coracoes Airport

City:Tres Coracoes, MG

Tres Coracoes is one of the airports in Brazil and is located Tres Coracoes, MG.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1Tabatinga, AMBrazilTabatingaTBTSBTT
2Tefe, AMBrazilTefeTFFSBTF
3Teresina, PIBrazilTeresina Senador Petronio PortellaTHESBTE
4Tres Lagoas, MSBrazilTres Lagoas Plinio AlarcomTJLSBTG
5Trombetas, PABrazilTrombetasTMTSBTB
6Tucurui, PABrazilTucuruiTURSBTU

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