Port Williams Sea Plane Base Airport

Country:United States of America
City:Port Williams, AK

Port Williams Sea Plane Base is one of the airports in United States of America and is located on the southern tip of Shuyak Island, facing Afognak Island, about 45 miles north of Kodiak.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1Port Lions, AKUnited States of AmericaPort Lions Sea Plane BaseORIORI
2Port Moller, AKUnited States of AmericaPort MollerPMLPAAL
3Port Protection, AKUnited States of AmericaPort ProtectionPPV19P
4Quinhagak, AKUnited States of AmericaQuinhagak KwinhagakKWNPAQH
5Rampart, AKUnited States of AmericaRampartRMPRMP
6Rapid City, SDUnited States of AmericaRapid City Ellsworth AFBRCAKRCA

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