Rapid City Ellsworth AFB Airport

Country:United States of America
City:Rapid City, SD

Rapid City Ellsworth AFB is one of the airports in United States of America and is located about 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Rapid City, South Dakota, just north of the town of Box Elder.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1Port Williams, AKUnited States of AmericaPort Williams Sea Plane BaseKPRKPR
2Quinhagak, AKUnited States of AmericaQuinhagak KwinhagakKWNPAQH
3Rampart, AKUnited States of AmericaRampartRMPRMP
4Red Devil, AKUnited States of AmericaRed DevilRDVRDV
5Red Dog, AKUnited States of AmericaRed DogRDBPADG
6Rhinelander, WIUnited States of AmericaRhinelander Oneida CountyRHIKRHI

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