Arathusa Airport

Country:South Africa
City:Arathusa Safari Lodge

Arathusa is one of the airports in South Africa and is located Arathusa Safari Lodge.

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CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1PretoriaSouth AfricaWonderboom NationalPRYFAWB
2Cape TownSouth AfricaCape Town InternationalCPTFACT
3GeorgeSouth AfricaGeorgeGRJFAGG
4BloemfonteinSouth AfricaBloemfontein Bram Fischer InternationalBFNFABL
5DurbanSouth AfricaDurban King Shaka InternationalDURFALE
6East LondonSouth AfricaEast LondonELSFAEL

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