Butembo Rughenda Airport

Country:Democratic Republic of the Congo

Butembo Rughenda is one of the airports in Democratic Republic of the Congo and is located Butembo.

Other airports
CityCountryAirportIATA codeICAO code
1BukavuDemocratic Republic of the CongoBukavu KamenbeBKYFZMA
2BumbaDemocratic Republic of the CongoBumbaBMBFZFU
3BuniaDemocratic Republic of the CongoBuniaBUXFZKA
4GemenaDemocratic Republic of the CongoGemenaGMAFZFK
5GomaDemocratic Republic of the CongoGomaGOMFZNA
6IsiroDemocratic Republic of the CongoIsiro MatariIRPFZJH

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